Thursday, October 3, 2019

Is Disease Prevention and Control a negligible term?

No absolutely not!!!

Drug administration for couple of courses until disappearance of symptoms or disease conditions is not the endpoint of a treatment!!

Prevention should have been the major part of treating a disease, as of now people are using a class of antibiotics for single or multiple course and deciding that they are done with the treatment, but they are missing a point of gaining back their immunity. Removal of disease symptoms or disease condition must not be considered as a complete treatment. It should be strictly followed by preventive measures. There is a complete chance of re-appearance or re-attack of disease or disease microbe in the same individual. So preventive measures using vaccinations or other methods of prevention for a period of time must be the safer end to the treatment. 
A proper treatment includes
# Diagnosis     # Treatment   #Preventive measures    # Regular health analysis


 In the 1940s, Hugh R. Leavell and E. Gurney Clark introduced the term prevention to the world.
  • Preventive measures involve 5 levels of prevention.  Primal, Primary, Secondary, Tertiary and Quaternary
  • Vaccination is one of the majorly used types of prevention all over the globe.  Administering vaccine during the age of 7-11 years was the most effective preventive measure taken till date.
  • Various measures such as Injection Safety, Hand Hygiene and use of personal protective equipment may also be termed as preventive measures.
  • Educating people to continue the treatment process to gain their immunity. This leads to the repulsive action on re attack of the infection or disease and allows the individual leave a disease free live.

||A special session on Infectious Disease Treatment and Control including the methods and techniques of disease prevention!

For further details and suggestions give a glance over || InfectiousDisease Conf 2020

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